6x19 filler (often referred to as 6x25) is available with both FC (fibre core) and IWRC (independent wire rope core). With a fibre core, and due to the smaller wires used within the construction, 6x19 filler will generally achieve a superior fatigue life to the other 6x19 constructions. 6x19 filler wire rope has been a very popular construction for producing wire rope slings from 1 tonne safe working load up to 5 tonnes. One very good example is the high volume use of this construction in the North Sea Oil industry where it is used for the production of pipeslings.
General engineering applications Drill lines / drilling ropes Elevator rope / lift rope Wire rope slings Derricking ropes Pendant ropes Crane rope Hoist rope | Sand, coring and swabbing lines Trawl wraps / Pelagic sweeps Ground cables / Ground haulage Oil well / Oil field Excavator rope / Scraper rope Fishing rope Drag rope |